7 Steps to Answered Prayers

praying woman in red dress

Many of us wonder why our prayers of petition are not answered byGod. There are a few prerequiisites before you consider the 7 steps below. 

  • You must have faith [Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence (assurance) of things not seen.As vital as the air you breathe, water you drink, and the food that you eat. In Him, you live, move, and have your being.[Acts 17:28]
  • You must believe that God is a vital necessity in your life [Jeremiah 29:13]
  • You must recognize that it is impossible to please God without faith [Hebrews 11:6] for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
  • You must pray believing [that God is able [Matthew 21:22] And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, beleving, ye shall receive. 
  • You must not doubt [James 1:7] Antone who doubts should not expect anythig from God.
  • You must trust in God and do not put your confidence in man. [Psalm 118:8]
  • You should believe in the providence of God, He controls everything and your life is in His hands
  • You should pray in accordance with God’s will.
  • The most effective prayers are done in the spirit (by the Holy Spirit) because the Spirit knows the mind of God.

7 Steps to Answered Prayers

  1. Be specific and stand on God’s promises. (Matthew 4:4)
  2. Ask God for what you want. (John 16:23,24, Matthew 7:78, Mark 11:23,24)
  3. Be positive in your thinking. (1 Peter 5:8; Romans 10:11)
  4. Guard your mind. (2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8; Romans 16:17,18)
  5. Meditate on God’s promises. (Joshua 1:8)
  6. Continually thank God for the answer. (Philippians 4:6)
  7. Make every prayer a statement of Faith. (Mark 11:23,24

Your prayers do not have to be lengthy and should not be repetitious. They should be specific, and sincere, coming from your heart.


When we pray, it should be from a sincere heart. Be specific and don’t ramble. Pray God’s word and stand on His promises. Pray believing, and do not doubt. If you pray corporately, pray in unity. Forgive anyone who has trespassed against you so your prayers won’t be hindered. Look with great expectation for what God is going to do in your life, and thank Him in advance,

Do you believe that God can do anything and everything, or are you putting God in a box and trying to limit His power? Feel free to comment below.