four people meditating

Here are some scripture verses I feel we can be praying about and meditating on. Whatever you pray about pray that if this be in His will, let it be done. Here I have some verses I highlighted from Psalm 91 and Psalm 37. Both of these psalms address the security of those who trust the Lord. Be sure to seek the provider, not the provision.


Verse 3        Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness.

Verse 4        Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Verse 5        …trust in Him and He will do it.

Verse 6        …He will make your righteousness as the light.

Verse 7        …Be still before the Lord; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him.

Verse 9b.     …Those who wait on the Lord will inherit the land.

Verse 11      The humble will [at last] inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity and peace. Also, in Mat. 5:5.

Verse 29      The righteous will inherit the land and live in it forever.

Verse 22      Those blessed by God will [at last] inherit the land.

Verse 16      Better is the little of the righteous (who seek the will of God) than the abundance (riches) of many wicked (godless).

Verse 17      The Lord upholds and sustains the righteous (who seek Him).

Verse 23      The steps of a good and righteous man are directed and established by the Lord.

Verse 24      When he (we) fall he (we) will not be hurled down.

Verse 25      Because the Lord is the one who holds his (our) hand and sustains him (us).

Verse 28      The lord delights in justice and he does not abandon his saints (faithful ones) They are preserved forever.

Verse 39,40 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their refuge and stronghold in time of trouble.

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Verse 1        He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].

Verse 2        I will trust in the Lord [with great confidence and in whom I can rely]

Verse 3        He will save you (us) from the trap of the fowler.

Verse 4        He will cover you and completely protect you. His faithfulness is a shield and wall.

Verse 7b      Danger will not come near you.

Verse 9        Because you have made the Lord your refuge

Verse 10      No evil will befall you.

Verse 11      He will command His angels to protect, defend, and guard you in all your ways (of obedience and service)

Verse 14      He will save because:

  • We set our love on Him
  • We know His name (s) [God has many names, ie. Jehovah, El Shaddai, El Roi, etc.]
  • We confidently trust and rely on Him

Verse 15      He will answer us

                     He will be with us in trouble

                     He will rescue us

                     He will honor us with long life

                     We will see His Salvation


We should always remember if we submit ourselves unto the Lord and put our trust and confidence in Him, He will be our refuge and strength. And we should seek God who is the provider for our needs and not the needs themselves.

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