Book Dictionary

The English language is compromised of thousands of words (170,000 words in the Oxford English Dictionary). But as language evolves and new vocabulary is coined, older words no longer used are removed from dictionaries. The following nine words have been removed:

Aerodrome–    A British term referring to a landing field for airplanes has been replaced by the word airport.

Alienism-    This was a term formerly used for psychiatry which is the study and treatment for mental illnesses. It was probably phased out due to the offensive connotation of connecting the word alien with mentally ill patients.

Brabble-     Means to squabble, quarrel or argue. There are a number of synonyms that are available which require the retirement of this word.

Charabanc-   A French word meaning a wagon with benches. Bus and motorcoach for sight-seeing replaced this word.

Deliciate-     Means to amuse or please oneself by indulging in revels. Its confusing etymology required that it be dropped out of use.

Frigorific-   Describes something that causes cold or chilling. This was replaced by the term frigid.

Frutescent- This is having the appearance of a shrub. Since it was in the bottom 10% of word searches, it was time to retire this term.

Supererogation-   Means going above and beyond what is required. It was primarily used in religious contexts.

Younker-    Refers to a younger man or child. It was also the name of a department store founded in 1856 by a person with the same name. This term is not used anymore.


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