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It is my distinct honor to introduce to you a fabulous financial advisor who is a man of integrity, very knowledgeable and a true professional and one who I have had the pleasure of being serviced by him for the last three years-Brian Carenza.

From the moment I first met Brian, I was very impressed. The way he carried himself, his mannerisms, his graciousness and warmth agreed with my spirit, and I instantly knew that this was a man of God. And when he spoke, I could tell that he had a sweet spirit, because the Bible tells us what comes out of a person’s heart is an overflow from what is in his heart. So, when you hear someone speak words that edify (build up) people, encourage, inspire, and motivate people, you know that this person has a sweet spirit and a good heart. Yes, in this person are rivers of living water. Kind and comforting words come from someone who has a good heart in which God resides. And a person who speaks condescending and belittling remarks has an evil heart and does not know God.

I met Brian when I wanted to change financial advisors. I had an existing annuity and was not happy with the financial advisor that was servicing me. So, my wife and I saw JD Mellberg advertised on television and decided to contact them. Well, they sent us Brian, and the rest is history. What a blessing.

God sent us one of his angels without wings who was trained as a financial advisor. Brian’s focus was totally on our situation which was that we were retired seniors who wanted to make good financial decisions with the least amount of risk possible. He asked us a series of questions so he could see what our goals were and how we viewed risks. He was an excellent listener and really took his time explaining our options. And he didn’t leave until he felt that I understood everything he told me.

Unlike my previous financial advisor, Brian had not only, superior interpersonal communication skills, but he also had good follow-up skills and encouraged face-to-face meetings. Two things I appreciated about Brian were very pronounced. First, Brian would not hesitate to tell me the truth and correct me if he saw I was about to sabotage myself and self-destruct. And second, I loved the fact that in getting Brian, I was getting two for one. What do I mean? His wife Noel is his chief administrator and they work together beautifully as a very efficient team. What more could a person ask for? To this point, my expectations have been more than exceeded. Now I will tell you a few things about Brian’s credentials.


Brian is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA), Life Underwriting Training Council Fellowship (LUTCF), member of the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors, and a Million Dollar Round Table Member. He has 27 years of experience, seven of which have been in management. He is a JD Mellberg Financial Professional whose focus is on retirement planning. He also provides additional planning services through DiPaola Financial Group of NYC.

Brian attained a BS degree in Business Administration from Ramapo College of NJ.

He is a family man who has a supportive wife and three lovely children. He has been a lifelong resident of Bergen County and is involved in a host of recreational activities. And he treasures the time that he can spend with his family.

Brian has a wonderfully positive approach to his profession and on domestic life.

  • Brian wants to help each client retire with the financial confidence he or she deserves.
  • He wants to find the right strategy for every person so they can spend more time doing what they love with the people they care about the most,
  • He wants to help clients retain control over their retirement and their finances.
  • He strives to provide solutions that help clients get what they want outof life.
  • He is truthful, honest, and always acts in the best interests of his clients.
  • And he wants to make the world a better place one family at a time.
  • One of his favorite sayings is, “I’m only as good as someone will let me be.”

Brian’s compassion has led me to call him a dear friend and my extended family.

He and his wife Noel comforted me when my wife passed in July, 2020 and dedicated the planting of a tree in her name. I shall never forget that.

I was so impressed with Brian that I wrote him a commendation award which he says he shows his clients. I would like to share it with you.

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          I am very proud to acknowledge Brian Carenza Direct Advisor for J.D. Mellberg for his outstanding work ethic, financial skills, high inner work standards, customer focus, and patience. In his pursuit of perfection, he has achieved excellence and continues to raise the bar for what a good direct advisor should be and is a role model for all his peers.

          This special award is presented annually to those who are the crème de la crème, the cream of the crop and absolute best, not only in their job disciplines, but also in their industries. These individuals are the standard bearers and the role models who other associates not only learn from but also from whom they draw their energy, inspiration and motivation. They will go that extra mile to protect the integrity of their word. These associates are the ones whose organizations, companies and corporations depend on to portray a positive image to the public which will generate a new sense of respect. This will enable these groups to generate new and repeat business.

          These achievers are at the forefront of their industries. They surpass the superlatives given to those who have achieved “World Class, Ultimate Customer Satisfaction”, “Superstar”, and “Best of the Best” status. These associates are the stellar performers that others aspire to be. They have skillful and Godly wisdom. They recognize that all of their actions have consequences, so they act accordingly. Recognizing the importance of making a positive and lasting impression on their customers and clients, they constantly reassess their mode of operation so that their knowledge and expertise will be used most effectively. Brian has made it his goal to make a lasting and very memorable experience on me. He never stopped focusing on being my “Provider of Choice.” He took himself out of the equation and consistently considered my needs first. He is a person of integrity who has found the secret of success which is the ability to marry professionalism with grace.  I have not only seen Brian embrace these qualities, but I have also seen him exhibit flexibility and go above and beyond to get the job done. I will never forget how he spent extra time to clarify concepts that I needed to know without exerting additional pressure on me. And because of this, I shall continue to heed his suggestions which will enable me to make money with the least amount of risk. So, I applaud him for being a class act and professional and am honored to present him with the Kenneth E. Overby Above and Beyond Award for 2020.  

Kenneth E. Overby

So, if you need a top-notch financial planner, I highly recommend Brian Carenza of JD Mellberg. There is none better. You can learn more about him and his services by visiting his website here.


It is important for you to select a financial advisor who you can trust and in whom you can have the utmost confidence. Select someone who is willing to take himself out of the equation and put you first. You don’t want to make bad financial decisions, especially if you are a senior. Protect your hard-earned money and make safe investments. First trust in God, and then seek the counsel of a Godly man.

Did you enjoy this informative post? If you need financial advice, please do not hesitate to contact Brian. He will more than meet your expectations.

I welcome your comments.


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