I hope this post finds everyone healthy, happy, prosperous, and COVID-19 free.


I feel particularly blessed because God has surrounded me with his guardian angels. As Jehovah Jireh (God who provides), He has met my every need. And as I listen to the news, I am extremely thankful being COVID free, having an income that enables me to pay my bills (including healthcare) and having a very supportive family and friends all of whom love the Lord.

Blogging is very new to me, but I already am getting some good ideas from the small inner voice in me which is God’s Holy Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit which has prompted me to do something edifying for my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ. So, I have decided that periodically, I will feature someone in one of my blog posts.

I have previously featured my two daughters in my post called Reflections. Today, I will be featuring my dear friend who I’ve known from the 1960s. His name is Dr. Stanley Saunders who I will refer to from this point on as “Stan.”

Stan and I met when we were in high school. There was an instant bond and though we traveled different paths after we went to college, we kept in touch sporadically, but have reconnected recently. Stan has been a very successful and much-loved doctor who retired recently after being in the medical field for more than 45 years.

In talking to a mutual friend, I got reports that his patients just loved him which I could truly understand, because Stan was a people person who was honest, compassionate, empathetic, and humorous. He was always a joy to be around because he was always in a good mood and loved to make people laugh. Unlike some people who can drain you of your energy, I always felt energized and up beat around Stan because he was and still is a possibility thinker and one who has a heart where God resides.  

During our adult years we were both were growing in grace. We were gaining skillful and Godly wisdom from life’s many events, challenges, and temptations which I will refer to as life’s seminars. During these times, God was shaping us like a potter shaping his clay. And then He put us in His spiritual kiln to burn off the impurities so He later could use us to accomplish His will according to His purpose.

God, being the great I AM, can use anyone He chooses to do His will. He can work with a janitor or street cleaner as much as he can a minister or priest. He can see our hearts, and as long as we are receptive to Him (the Godhead-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and have a teachable spirit, God can work with us and empower us to do His will.

God used Stan through His medical practice and through his photography. Stan’s interest in photography not only grew from his early years, but it blossomed and took off. He now produces some beautiful work worthy of both framing and displaying in art shows. Stan’s artistic title is Doc Saunders. He highlights his photography achievements on his website here.

I have purchased some of Stan’s work and I am more than happy. I am ecstatic. My expectations were exceeded big time. I was so pleased that I wrote a beautiful customer review which I will post. See below.


In a nutshell, let me say this. God has handcrafted each of us in a separate mold. Each of us has been blessed with at least one God-given skill or talent. God blessed Stan with at least two magnificent skills or talents-a compassionate and well-skilled doctor and a top-notch photographer who is a cut above the rest. So if you want just an average, mediocre picture or photograph, go to Walmart or Michael’s. But if you want an upscale, classy, photograph that details God’s workmanship with clarity and precision, purchase your photographs from Doc Saunders.

You can browse and shop his portfoio of works on his website or visit his Redbubble shop.

Doc Saunders Redbubble shop screenshot


For Doc Saunders Photography

By Kenneth Overby

          I have known Dr. Saunders for 60 years, but never dreamed that he would fall in love with photography like my dad and produce such stunning work. My dad gravitated toward taking pictures of just people, but Dr. Saunders embraces all of God’s creations. Through his work, one can grasp the true magnificence of God. I knew that he had become a well-known and very respected doctor, but I was astonished to know that he has become such a great photographer.

          I recently purchased several of his best prints which were taken here in the US and abroad and was extremely pleased. My expectations were exceeded. I can’t wait to get them framed and hang them in my new apartment. They will add both beauty and serenity to my favorite hideout which is my home. I purchased so many that I decided that a few might make great Christmas presents. So, I will bless my family and a few close friends with his amazing and heartfelt work.

Words can not express how beautiful Doc Saunders’ photography is. It tends to stir up a multitude of emotions-love, joy, peace, happiness, thankfulness, and a general appreciation to be alive in this beautiful world that God has created. Doc Saunders’ photography makes you feel special, blessed, and divinely favored. Being just a spec in this awesome universe, God has created all this beauty for us. He didn’t have to, but he did, and He gave us a mind so that we could comprehend it all.

          Doc Saunders’ photography has touched my soul and stirred up in me the feeling that I do not want any talent that God has given me to go to waste. God gives us all special and unique gifts. This one is Stanley’s. I am so delighted that he has responded to God’s call in his life by becoming both a doctor and a photographer. God has selected certain apostles to write down his inspired word, but He has selected Doc Stanley Saunders to capture the beauty of this earth. And as a faithful servant, Doc Saunders is touching the soul of many people. It is my hope that one day he will be a household name. May God continue to bless him to overflowing.


  1. Dr. Saunders is a very talented photographer and a down to earth and genuine person. His work is beautiful and stunning. Thanks for sharing your insight and personal history with Stanley. I’ll be sharing this post.

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