mother and child laughing
Joanne Howard of America Special Kidz

Joanne Howard is a saint to be praised. She has demonstrated how we all should trust in God, and having been knocked down, we should get up, shake the dust off, and keep moving forward. Joanne has gone through some very big challenges and trials, and the only reason she got through these life seminars was by her undying and unwavering faith and trust in God. She literally has turned lemons into lemonade and had turned her adversity into something positive.

When I think of her, I can’t help but think of what is written in James 1:2-4 where it is written Count it all joy, when you suffer trials and temptations, for it is a proving of your faith. And God will strengthen your steadfastness, endurance, and patience, and if you give Him full play, you will be will become spiritually mature and complete.

Joanne has gleaned something from each of her challenging life seminars from which she has gained skillful and Godly wisdom. And during these life seminars she has learned when you don’t look back, do not doubt God’s ability to do anything, and know who you are in Christ. Submit yourself to His will and God will bless you. This is because God hates prideful people, considers people that doubt as doubleminded, and also hates people who are lukewarm (neither hot nor cold). And in Revelation 3:16 God says he will spit such people out of His mouth. She saw the need for an organization like America’s Special Kidz, because of challenges she had with her son JJ who has Down Syndrome. So, she took the bull by the horns and founded an organization that could fulfill the needs and services that special kids require but were not receiving.

There is a saying, “You have to be the change that you want to see in this world.” But by her unwavering faith and trust in God, God gave her the power of being an overcomer by the blood of the lamb and the word of her testimony. [Rev. 21:11] And by standing on God’s word, and knowing that Christ was in her she knew that Greater was he that was in her than he that is in this world.[1 John 4:4] And that she could do anything through Christ who strengthens her. [Phil. 4:13] But in my heart of hearts, I feel it in my spirit that Joanne has embraced what I call the key of keys which is having the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord.

The reverent fear of the Lord as defined in Deut. 10:12 and 13 opens up so many doors. It gives us a deeper meaning of God’s covenant in Psalm 25:14, is the beginning of wisdom and understanding in Proverbs and enables one to escape traps and have long life also in Proverbs. I find it very interesting that God put in my spirit that all the great ones (saints, prophets, and apostles) had this character trait.

America’s Special Kidz’s MISSION

America’s Special Kidz (A.S.K.) understands the importance of healthy families. With a large population of families with special kids—especially single parents-it wants to do its part to help serve these struggling families.

Here are 7 ways A.S.K. is committed to one’s child and family:

  1. A,S.K.’s mission is to be your child’s advocate.
  2. A.S.K. is committed to helping your child receive the highest quality of care.
  3. A.S.K. knows the importance of taking care of “the child’s caretaker.”
  4. A.S.K. understands that by providing special children with the resources they need in their formative years, it is helping to ensure each child has a bright future.
  5. A.S.K. strives to build awareness in the education, business and medical communities.
  6. A.S.K. is committed to its own continuing education.
  7. A.S.K. knows the only way it can truly help you is by listening to your needs.

Joanne Howard Credentials  

Joanne Bastante Howard is a resident of NJ and mother of a child with Down syndrome. She is a graduate of Rutgers University. She has a genuine love for children and has been raising awareness for children with disabilities for over 7 years. Prior to launching A.S.K., Ms. Howard had a successful 25-year career in advertising on both the agency and client-side. After her son was born with Down syndrome, she desires to put her creative and researching expertise to work to help our most valuable asset, our children.

Over the past seven years, Ms. Howard has worked closely with educators, physicians, and therapists to develop creative resources and effective tools to improve the education and quality of life of children with Down syndrome. She also developed toys and activities that help children with a wide range of low-muscle tone and cognitive conditions.

She has conducted corporate promotions and fundraisers to help children throughout New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Florida obtain critical medical, education and therapeutic services. She was personally responsible for raising over $100,000 on a part-time basis as a result of her direct marketing, e-marketing, social media and canvassing efforts.   

smiling needy children

She has helped parents of disabled children who have a host of issues to raise funds to pay exorbitant out-of-pocket medical expenses and purchase technology to help their children. She strives to connect families with the national and local businesses that support the advancement of individuals with disabilities.

Joanne is available for speaking engagements, training workshops for professionals and families, fundraisers, child advocacy and hands-on assistance with a wide range of parent requests. She will do everything possible to help each parent meet his or her child’s needs.


A.S.K. in partnership with the medical, educational, and professional business community offers the following services:

  • Child Advocacy
  • Mentoring
  • Research
  • Online & Printing Resources
  • Fundraising Opportunities
  • Children Workshops
  • Family Support
  • Financial Support
  • Connections to Businesses
  • Speaking Engagements


Some of its training topics are:

  • Why it makes business sense to hire individuals with disabilities
  • How to boost productivity with a dedicated workforce
  • Meaningful ways to improve work collaboration
  • Implement home, work, and fire safety for all
  • Save lives with proper food safety, allergy precautions and CPR
  • Effective communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other special needs
  • How to build mentorship programs to help children with special needs
  • Partnering with A.S.K.


Topics ASK covers include the following:

  • How to overcome choking and gagging
  • Proper nutrition and feeding techniques for children
  • Utilizing effective tools to educate visual and auditory learners
  • How to discern whether a child is an unruly teen or has special needs
  • Proper ways to make your safe for children and adults with disabilities
  • Fire safety for all individuals with special needs( featuring safety products for the blind and hearing impaired)
  • How to effectively collaborate with your child’s teacher and therapists


  • Utilizing effective tools to educate visual and auditory learners
  • How to discern if a child is an unruly teen or has special needs
  • Proper ways to transition learning in school tom meaningful home activities
  • How to effectively collaborate with your students’ parents
  • How to build mentorship programs to help children with special needs in your school
  • Partnering with A.S.K. to keep abreast of the latest educational resources


A.S.K. workshop and seminar topics include:

  • How to identify an individual with mental illness, autism spectrum disorder and other special needs
  • Effective communication with individuals who have intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and other special needs
  • What to do and what not to do when communicating with an individual with varied special needs
  • Proper home safety
  • Fire safety (including individuals who are blind and hearing impaired)
  • Proper restraint and safety measures
  • How to detect a possible food allergy and necessary precautions
  • How to detect someone experiencing a seizure and proper first aid procedures


  • Childhood Conditions
  • Assistive technology and Helpful Tools
  • Attentive Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Autism and Asperger
  • Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Brain Injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Childhood Cancers
  • Childhood Diabetes
  • Deaf and Hearing Impaired
  • Down syndrome
  • Epilepsy
  • Mental Illness
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Rare Conditions
  • Spinal Biffa

A.S.K. believes in Giving Back

A.S.K. will donate 10% of its magazine proceeds (each issue) to a local NJ family with extensive medical bills, therapeutic needs, and/or living expenses. And when possible A.S.K. will also support the national associations who support children with disabilities. This is her personal commitment to special needs families.


A.S.K. is available to respond to questions and requests from parents, child advocates, physicians, educators, philanthropists and other professionals.

To learn more about this organization or contact Joanne, you can visit their website here.


If you are a family with a special needs child, I highly recommend you communicate with Ms. Joanne Howard President, CEO, and founder of America’s Special Kidz. She is multi-faceted, very knowledgeable, and has made a commitment to be an advocate and help needy families in any way she can. You can put your confidence in this Godly female professional. I can personally attest to that.

Did you find this post enlightening? If you have a special needs child was it helpful? I welcome your comments. And if you use her services, tell her I referred you.


  1. Joanne sounds like a very special woman of God indeed. Bless you for sharing her testimony and may she continue to be a blessing to others through her work helping kids with special needs.

    1. Sadly Joanne passed away on March 29, 2022 from cancer, she was a parishioner at my church.

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