fighting couple

We all go through things (some type of affliction)

  • Because the closer we get to God, Satan attacks us.
  • Jesus himself said we would be persecuted in his name

Some of the Negative things are being talked about, belittled, lied about, falsely accused, tortured, beaten, imprisoned, and numerous other things.

Some of the Benefits of affliction:

  • Your suffering draws you closer to Christ (Especially if it is done in Christ’s name.
  • In James 1:2-4, says when you go through various trials and temptations you have an opportunity to prove your faith. And your steadfastness, endurance, and patience will be developed, and when you allow them to be fully developed, you will become spiritually mature and complete without blemish.
  • You are refined in God’s spiritual kiln.
  • You as part of the church are being cleaned up for the big Wedding Day

When Christ marries the Church.

  • You are being shaped by God to be a vessel He can use to do His will according to His purpose who will not return to Him void. [Is. 55:11]
  • You are being prepared to live in God’s eternal kingdom

How to be Overcomers by having Faith and Trust in God

  • Know who you are in Christ
  • Recognizing the Power of Christ in You-[1 John 4:4, Phil. 4:13]
  • Recognizing the Power of the Blood of Christ-[Rev.12:11]
  • Know you are God’s Righteousness in Christ

There is the Righteous (Who are in right-standing with God)

There is the Consistently Righteous

There is the Uncompromisingly Righteous)

  • Know who your enemy who is not flesh and blood [Eph. 6: 12]

Principalities, rulers, and powers of darkness of this world and Spiritual wickedness in high places.

  • Having faith-[Heb 11:1, 11:6]; with faith, you can raise the dead.

If you are not firm in your faith, you will not be firm at all. [Is. 7:9b]

  • Trusting God [Psalm 118:8]

God Gives Us Spiritual Armor-[Eph. 6-13]

  • The Belt of Truth
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness
  • The Shoes of the Readiness to Spread the Gospel
  • The Helmet of Salvation
  • The Shield of Faith
  • The Sword of the Spirit

God Gives Us Weapons

  • The name of Jesus
  • Praying in the Spirit
  • The Word of God
  • By Submitting to Him, we can rebuke the devil and he will flee…James 4:7]
  • When we have God’s favor, He will fight our battles [2 Chronicles 29:15]
  • Under God’s covering, we can say, “No weapon against me will prosper

[Is 54:17]

We have God’s Grace- At the heart of which is Jesus Christ which some have defined as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. With Christ in us we are capable of doing anything.

Here are two examples of how two people responded to affliction or adversity:

Moses chose to suffer affliction with the people of God, instead of enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season. [Heb. 11:25]

And Sheri Rode Shepherd who was interviewed on the 700 Club. She had a 25-year marriage dissolve and shortly after was told that she had terminal cancer and had a prognosis of having just 8 weeks to live. But she put her total trust in God and is living several years after that prognosis withered her cancer in remission. So don’t ever underestimate the power of God.


Affliction is most times associated with pain, torture, or some kind of discomfort.

But there can be some benefits if you look at affliction in a new light. It can be a way that you can learn something new. It could act as a wake-up call when you’ve gone off the beaten track. It could be God spanking you or allowing you to be spanked realizing that God chastens those who He loves. And it could be a series of events that bring you closer to God and forces you to trust Him more-to lean on, and rely on Him as you should. Combating the negative elements of affliction and turning them into something positive that we can learn from involves submitting to God and trusting in God.