kneeling praying person

We all are going through tough and challenging times. We are trying to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and are preparing to face mutated strains that are rapidly coming behind it. The loss of lives coupled with the economic strain the virus has caused putting people out of work and causing businesses to close, children not being able to go to school, and a host of other problems have put people at their wits end. And it can be said that we are on the brink of a depression that may be worse than any we’ve ever had.

A Message from David Wilkerson’s World Challenge Pulpit Series highlights some important things on which we should meditate.

  • We have arrived at the awesome day of the Lord where we are about to witness the unfolding of great, fearful sufferings and tribulations. The world will be turned upside down, with its very foundations shaken. In Isaiah 24:11, 18-20 Isaiah says the earth is not headed for rejuvenation but for total ruin. Laughter will cease, confusion will reign, joy is darkened, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
  • The big question is, if things get progressively worse until Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled, what will happen to the true followers of Jesus? How will God take care of us?
  • The answer is just as the Lord has warned us in detail about the troubles ahead, he will also reveal to us how he will protect us. God has a definite plan which is simple yet absolute. He will protect us by the power of his predetermined word. What David Wilkerson said here makes very good sense to me because it agrees with what is in my spirit. Let me explain. Several years ago, I heard Kenneth Copeland preach about how God will go that extra mile to protect the integrity of His word. And He will do this regardless of our prayers. At the time, he didn’t share what verse he was coming from, but later I found it. It was in Isaiah 48:9-11. This agrees with what Dave Wilkerson says because God says he will not share His glory with another. By this, He meant that he would not put Himself in a position where Satan could call Him a liar because He reneged on His word—in particular by destroying us after He promised to bless us. God makes sure he protects the integrity of His word because just one lie would make His whole word invalid. And he cannot allow that to happen.
  • God determined his plan for us before the foundations of the earth. He had a plan to preserve us long before there were armies, wars, violence, or depressions. He hath determined the times before appointed. [Acts 17:26] God spoke into existence a word of preservation that is as eternal and unshakeable as his own character.
  • God is going to preserve us the same way He preserves the sun, moon, and stars. And his protective word is the same that governs the light, the darkness, and the very air that we breathe. God’s once-spoken word holds everything in place.
  • As surely as he created all things by the power of his word, the Lord has spoken into being an eternal word of preservation to keep all his children.
  • Since the beginning, God has promised to preserve all who trust in him. He spoke an eternal word to Abraham, “I am thy shield.” This was for all eternity and included all of Abraham’s seed.
  • We must remember that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. [Matthew 4:4] This means that God will take you to a place where you can not depend on anyone but Him to sustain you. And He is prepared to do that supernaturally if you have faith.
  • Do you know how God will preserve you in all your hard times? He will do it by speaking a new word if necessary—by creating all you need by the power of his word like he spoke the word manna and preserved an entire generation of Israelites.  
  • Like Jesus, we have to trust our heavenly Father to preserve us in his own way: by the power of his word.
  • Today many Christians are trying to figure out how God will take care of his people when the world’s ruin comes in full force.
  • The Lord knows what we need and he has spoken his eternal word,” Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. [Mat. 6:33] Note the promise here is all you need. The word of finality spoken by our creator was “In every generation, I will protect, keep, feed, and preserve all those who seek me first.”
  • God has a desire to give us a confident assurance that we can trust Him, and to keep us from the power of the evil one, and give us peace. He has sworn that His word is true, enduring, eternal, and for us. And God doesn’t lie as it is written in Numbers 23:19. God is not a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent.
  • As the body of Christ, we have a stronger, better hope than Job, David, or any other Old Testament believer. We are the bone of our Lord’s bone and flesh of his flesh. And no man hateth his own flesh: but nourished and cherished it. You shouldn’t try to figure out how the Lord will preserve you. Just trust him that he is going to sustain you by his very presence.
  • Fear, not the tribulation. Revelation 7:9, 13, 14 says believers came out and they were a great multitude. Not only did they survive great sufferings, but they came out shouting with a very special testimony: “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom. And thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever” [Rev. 7:12] These people did not just survive, but they sang of the One who brought them out.
  • God had proved himself to them in every way. God is not interested in simply preserving us with food, water, and shelter. The overcomers in Revelation 7 triumphed in the worst of times because the whole word of God came alive to them. They had his strong arm. glory and wisdom till the end. Every word out of his mouth became real and they praised him with great thanksgiving.
motivation happy person


The saints of today can be overcomers, and come out washed, dressed in white, and victorious if we trust in God, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and have a confident assurance that God’s predetermined Word says no matter what we are going through, we are coming out. And God will go that extra mile to protect the integrity of His Word. Praise God! To Him be the glory and honor, forever, and ever. Amen.

How did you like this post? Do you feel better about your future, knowing your fate is in the hands of Almighty God?

Please feel free to share your thoughts.


  1. I know I have come through some very trying times even before the pandemic. And I know without God’s strength I would not have survived. I’m thankful every day we are saved by his grace. We are so fortunate and that gives me peace. Life won’t be the same but changing out perspective to think differently in how we operate daily may just be the whole point of what God’s allowing to happen nowadays. Thanks for sharing these words of inspiration and encouragement in God’s word.

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