praying hands

The following prayer was shared by a former Pastor of mine –

Pastor Sal Bellini.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I shall live-Matthew 4:4

I shall have a normal life, even a more abundant life.

I shall live…by every word that proceeds from your mouth, your Word.

Jesus…I know Satan has come to steal my health, kill my body, and bring destruction, so—I now resist you Satan, with your sicknesses and diseases, and I replace your evil with God’s good life and abundant health. (John 10:10)

I am living in the radiant health of your powerful resurrection life, Jesus, and the power of your Word. Send your Word now and heal me…and deliver me from all destructions. (Psalm 107:17-20)

For my health and healing, I need your supreme command for strength and joy. (Nehemiah 8:9-10)

I do not murmur.

I do not feel sorry for myself.

I overcome my symptoms.

I forgive others so that I will be healed. (James 5:16)

I pray for my friends (and enemies) and the Lord is turning my captivity. (Job 42:10)

As I have confessed my wrongs and offenses and my personal abuses:

I accept your blessing.

I stand before you innocent.

I release all guilt in my mind and heart.

I receive your powerful touch, Jesus. You are my divine health and the Healer of every part of my entire body as well as my emotions and mind, body, soul, and spirit.

Jesus, thank you for:

Being acquainted with my griefs and sicknesses.

Bearing my weaknesses and distresses.

Carrying my sorrows and pain.

Being wounded for my transgressions.

Being bruised for my guilt.

And with those stripes that wounded you, Jesus, I am healed and made whole today and each day. Isaiah 53:3-6


open bible

You have the best sense of “well-being” in your body, soul and spirit when you have a forgiving way of life. You should never hold a grudge buy instantly forgive. “If ye forgive not men their debts, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive your debts.” Forgiveness is not an option—it is a requirement for eternal life.

Keep your healing and health by screening your friends. Be part of a faith-building church. Reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word. Listen to scripture tapes (or CDs) and teaching tapes (or CDs) relative to healing and health.

Set your spiritual and physical house “in order”. Change your life to conform to God’s will which is God’s Word. Keep praying.


Be specific in your prayers and practice a divine type of forgiveness that mirrors the way God the Father forgives in Isaiah 43:25 where He not only forgives but also forgets. This is because if you hold onto things and fail to forget in conjunction with your forgiving, you will be in bondage.

Is it difficult for you to forgive and forget? Feel free to comment below.