![mother and child laughing](https://i0.wp.com/formeitsjesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Joanne-Howard-of-America-Special-Kidz.jpg?resize=525%2C284&ssl=1)
Many times the true servant works for God being His ambassador without any fanfare. They serve God with joy because they want to. God has called me to acknowledge these saints in His name. The following are some of the saints that I have acknowledge who serve in different disciplines. May God continue to bless their ministries as they serve the LORD.
This award acknowledges Joanne Bastante Howard of Woodland Park, NJ for being such a blessing by being an Advocate for Special Needs Families via the America’s Special Kidz organization and to other families including mine—the Overby family in Ledgewood, NJ. She has been a wonderful expression of God’s love as she unselfishly gives of herself time after time. She has had this sixth sense which tells her when to minister to us and others when we may be in our lowest times. It is very evident that she seeks God for wisdom and He gives her skillful and Godly wisdom so she will make the best decisions and choices in life.
Joanne always stands in humility and continually strives to promote unity and harmony with her fellow saints. She is not self-serving and realizes that God brings down the proud and exalts the humble. She backs up her words with action and reflects Godly characteristics like the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22 and 23. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When one embraces such qualities, there is no one who can bring a valid charge against them. She does everything as if she was doing it unto the Lord. I consider her a role model because she represents a saint with a servant’s heart. People who have any spiritual discernment recognize that she has a good heart and they are inspired by her. She always takes herself out of the equation so she can focus on others. She is a person of integrity and one who walks in the light and not in the darkness. Everything she does is out in the open for there is nothing to hide.
Without saying it, Joanne has the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord with awe. In her spirit she realizes that by following God’s commandments and statues she is demonstrating that she is obeying Him. And that paves the way for the Father and the Son to come and abide in her. She knows that as faithful vessel of the Lord she is to lead others to God, but it is the Holy Spirit that convicts them and God the Father that saves them from perdition. She has responded to a calling that is bigger than herself and she has disciplined herself to positively impact people’s lives in a positive way without any hidden motive or agenda. And she is just satisfied knowing that she did something to edify (build up) others. Joanne is a wonderful human being, a saint, and an angel.
Joanne combines these qualities with a desire to serve. And the compassion and graciousness she has is a blessing to all who receive it. So. because of the impact she has had on my family and the way she has shown that she can bless others even when she herself is going through adversity, it is my pleasure and my honor to present her with the Kenneth E. Overby 2020 Appreciation Award for God’s Anointed. May she have long life and may God have a beautiful crown waiting for her in heaven.
![ben jackson counselor](https://i0.wp.com/formeitsjesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/BJackson.jpg?resize=525%2C459&ssl=1)
This award acknowledges Reverend Benjamin Jackson for being a faithful vessel of the Lord who has the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord with awe. Ordained and anointed by God, he is the wonderful expression of God’s love as he unselfishly gives of himself to the saints in the church and to the incarcerated men in prison. He represents everything that is good and pure in the eyes of God. Always standing in humility and thankfulness, he is a role model for other saints. And when he preaches he strives to deliver the undiluted and undefiled word of God as he is guided by the Holy Spirit. In addition to being the pastor for Prayer, Power, and Hope Ministry and being involved in several Help Ministries, Ben has had a successful Prison Ministry for almost 40 years.
. Ben always strives to achieve peace and harmony. He is not self–serving and realizes that God brings down the proud and exalts the humble. He backs up his words with action and reflects Godly characteristics-the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22 and 23. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When one embraces such qualities, there is no one who can bring a valid charge against them. He does everything as if he was doing it unto the Lord. He has a servant’s heart. People who have any spiritual discernment recognize that he has a good heart because they are inspired, motivated and encouraged by him. He always takes himself out of the equation so he can focus on others. He is a person of integrity and one who walks in the light and not in the darkness. Everything he does is out in the open for there is nothing to hide.
Ben sees the big picture. He has vision knowing that the Bible says people without vision people perish. He is an overcomer and world changer who is very comfortable leading people to Christ one person at a time. He knows that as faithful vessels of the Lord we are to lead others to God, but it is God the Holy Spirit that convicts them and God the Father that saves them from perdition. He has responded to a calling that is bigger than himself. And by studying the word, he has disciplined his mind to see the Bible as man’s Operation Manual which teaches us how to live, love and forgive. He impacts people in a positive way and he has no hidden motive or agenda. His satisfaction is just knowing that he did something to edify others.
Ben combines these qualities with a deep desire to serve. He appears to be driven by very high inner work standards and has exhibited that he has “excellence” embedded in his DNA. So, because of the passion he has for serving the Lord and for being an instrument for the Lord, it is my pleasure and my honor to present him with the Kenneth E. Overby 2020 Appreciation Award for God’s Anointed. He has blessed my life and others many times over. May he have a long life and may God have a beautiful crown waiting for him in heaven.
Kenneth E. Overby
![Budd Lake Church](https://i0.wp.com/formeitsjesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Budd-Lake-Church.jpg?resize=525%2C498&ssl=1)
This award acknowledges Margaret and Peter Haines of Budd Lake Chapel for being such a blessing to the saints of Budd Lake Chapel. They have been a wonderful expression of God’s love as they unselfishly give of themselves by ministering in music and by being an elder. Always standing in humility, they continually strive to promote unity and harmony with their fellow saints. They also have a Helps Ministry as they consistently provide transportation to some saints who don’t have a way to attend church or go to Bible Studies.
Peter and Margaret have displayed that they will not hesitate to go that extra mile to achieve peace and harmony. They are not self –serving and realize that God brings down the proud and exalts the humble. They back up their words with action and reflect Godly characteristics like the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22 and 23. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When one embraces such qualities, there is no one who can bring a valid charge against them. They do everything as if they were doing it unto the Lord. I consider them to be a role models because they represent saints with servants’ hearts. People who have any spiritual discernment recognize that they have good hearts and they are inspired by them. They always take themselves out of the equation so they can focus on others. They are people of integrity and ones who walk in the light and not in the darkness. Everything they do is out in the open for there is nothing to hide.
Peter and Margaret see the big picture. They have vision knowing that the Bible says people without vision perish. They are team players and ones who are willing to lead people to Christ one person at a time. They know that as faithful vessels of the Lord we are to lead others to God, but it is the Holy Spirit that convicts them and God the Father who saves them from destruction. They have responded to a calling that is bigger than themselves and they have disciplined themselves to positively impact people’s lives in a positive way without any hidden motive or agenda. And they seem satisfied knowing that they did something to edify others.
Peter and Margaret combine Godly qualities with a desire to serve. They are driven by very high inner work standards and have exhibited that they are true followers of Christ who have the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord with awe. So, because of the passion they have for serving God in all humility, their fellow man, and being available to be used as an instrument for the Lord, it is my pleasure and my honor to present them with the Kenneth E. Overby Appreciation Award for God’s Anointed. They have blessed my life and others many times over. May they have a long life together and may God have two beautiful crowns waiting for them in heaven. They are a role model couple.
Kenneth E. Overby
This award acknowledges Pastor Alan Perrillo of Budd Lake Chapel for being such a blessing to the saints of Budd Lake Chapel and the local community. As the local shepherd of the flock, he has been a wonderful expression of God’s love as he unselfishly gives of himself by ministering in the word, preaching, and teaching the full gospel as it was intended. He motivates and instills a message of hope as the words that come out of his mouth are an overflow of the truth and the sweet spirit that is in his heart.
. Pastor Alan is not self –serving and realizes that God brings down the proud and exalts the humble. He backs up his words with action and reflects Godly characteristics like the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22 and 23. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When one embraces such qualities, there is no one who can bring a valid charge against them. He does everything as if he was doing it unto the Lord. I consider him a role model because he represents a saint with a servant’s heart. People with any spiritual discernment recognize that he has a good heart and they are inspired by him. He always takes himself out of the equation so he can focus on others. He is a person of integrity and one who walks in the light and not in the darkness. Everything he does is out in the open for there is nothing to hide.
Pastor sees the big picture. He has vision knowing that the Bible says people without vision perish. He does whatever he can to support and edify the body, especially by visiting the sick and hospitalized saints. He has responded to a calling that is bigger than himself and he has disciplined himself to positively impact people’s lives in a positive way without any hidden motive or agenda. And he feels good knowing that he has served the Lord and has been a faithful and obedient local shepherd.
Pastor Alan has a strong desire to serve. He appears to be driven by very high inner work standards and has exhibited that he is a true follower of Christ who has a reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord with awe. So, because of the passion he has for serving the Lord and His saints as a faithful vessel, it is my pleasure and my honor to present him with the Kenneth E. Overby Appreciation Award for God’s Anointed. He has blessed my life and others many times over. May he a have long life and may everyone who has heard his words incorporated his teachings in their life so they can improve their daily walk. I know that God has a crown waiting for him in heaven.
Kenneth E. Overby