couple sitting open bible

Sitting here alone I am thinking about how great our God is—the Great I AM. When you think about it, I AM embraces all things and everything that He spoke into existence during creation. I know how scientists are trying to date the beginning of things by their Big Bang theory. But that is because we are finite beings, and we can only try to explain things in a way that makes sense to our limited intelligence and minds.

It’s hard to think that God created everything there is in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. And even if you look at the verse that says to God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day. That being the case, even if it took God  6000 years to create everything, that in itself is enough to make your head spin.

But one of the many things I marvel at is how God has arranged to put certain people in others lives and have had people’s lives cross and have a major impact on those people’s lives. I know that some people like to think that things happen by coincidence. But I challenge that theory and say that everything is by divine design. After all, nothing happens unless God allows it.

One of my favorite examples was revealed to me after I read 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12. These verses basically say that God has allowed a strong delusion (or a working of error) that men will believe lies, so that those who refuse to believe the truth will be led to destruction. In these verses, we see that God allows mankind the ability to use their free will to believe anything they want (even something false that is a lie), and gives them a chance to believe or reject the truth (about him). And if they don’t and want to feel that their actions will not bear any consequences, they will be led to perdition (destruction). Why?

This is because judgment day is coming, and on that day these evil doers will stand before God and have to account for their actions. Well, surprisingly, after these things were revealed to me, God’s Holy Spirit led me to verses that confirmed what I had just read. The verses were found in 1 Kings 22:19-22. Leading up to these verses King Ahab, king of the 10 tribes of Israel wanted to attack the king of Syria with the help of King Jehoshaphat king of the 2 tribes of Judah. But God sent his prophet Elijah to warn King Ahab not to go to war; and if he did, he would be killed and dogs would lap up his blood. Refusing to believe this, King Ahab sought counsel from his local 400 prophets, and they told him to go to war and he would win and defeat the King of Syria.

In verses 20-22, a spirit stands before God. And when God asked it why was it there, it said it was going to put a lie in the mouths of the 400 prophets. Then God said for the spirit to proceed and it would be successful in doing so. So, it turns out that King Ahab went to war against Syria, and even after disguising himself, was killed. And when his body was brought back to his homeland, dogs lapped up his blood just like God’s prophet said.

couple reading bible

This is an example of how one could misuse his free will and by doing so cause his own destruction. God gave us free will because He didn’t want to program us like robots. He wanted to give us the opportunity to love Him on our own. It is much sweeter when someone tells you they love you voluntarily. There is not as much joy hearing someone say, “I love you,” if they were forced to do it.

Getting back to the main topic, I have noticed that God has arranged for people who have certain gifts to meet each other. God, indeed, is the Master Orchestrator of everything. It is like he is putting together an orchestra composed of people of different talents. He knows that we are works in progress and unfinished symphonies in a sense. But if we love Him, and each other, and have a teachable spirit, he will shape us and mold us into vessels He can use. When He’s finished, we will be spiritually mature, and complete. We will have the steadfastness, endurance, and patience required to accept any task He gives us and accomplish His will according to His purpose. And we will not come back to Him void.

Having proved our faith, we should keep these things in mind.

  • God does not lie. Numbers 23;19 says God is not a man that he should lie, o the Son of man that he should repent.
  • God’s word is tried, tested, and true.
  • We should trust God and not have our confidence in man [Psalm 118:8]
  • God knows the thoughts and plans He has for us, plans to prosper us, never harm us, and to give us a hope and a future [Jeremiah 29:11]
  • God’s thoughts and ways are not only different from ours but also much higher than ours, as high as the heavens are from the earth.
  • God wants to take us from one place to a better place.
  • We should not lean on our own understanding, but trust God to lead our steps. [Proverbs 3:5,6]
  • We should never try to fight the devil without first submitting ourselves to God. [James 4:7]

It is my belief in my heart of hearts that the singers and the musicians that God has called home have been arranged into several groups all of which will honor him by their ministry in song. Just think of all the great musicians and singers that He has collected Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Reverend James Cleveland, Louis (Satchmo) Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra and the list goes on. All these great singers and musicians will be honoring him for eternity singing and making a joyful noise unto the Lord. What a wonderful sight that must be.


Know that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens, God allows it. Because of who He is, God’s thoughts and ways are much higher and nobler than ours. So, it would benefit us more if we got on the same page with God rather than to expect Him to get on our page. Be thankful for everyone who God puts in your life, good or bad. The good people will encourage, inspire, and motivate you. And the bad will challenge you, battle test you, and make you stronger. After all, you are a warrior for Christ.

Be perceptive and know your strengths and weaknesses and the strengths and weaknesses of those who God put in your life. Connect with and bond with those who love the Lord as you do. Acknowledge their strengths that would complement yours. This might help you accomplish joint goals you might have or enable a vision you both might have to materialize. But in whatever you decide to pursue, when in doubt, go to God for wisdom [James 1:5] and He will give it out to you liberally without partiality. And the wisdom you will get will be skillful and Godly wisdom that surpasses human wisdom. Be blessed.

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