
There are several things that can help us fight infections, inflammation, digestive problems, and even cognitive disorders naturally. I am not proposing or making a claim that they can heal certain illnesses or disorders, but they may help in slowing the onset of certain disorders or slowing the progress of some disorders once someone has come down with something. Consider this, God made an array of plants and vegetation that can help the body that He designed to help us stay healthy, strong, and resistant to a lot of bacteria and things that cause illness and disease.

I will share with you the names of eight (8) natural antibiotics that may help your body’s immune system, overall health, and state of wellness improve.


This is one of the most effective natural antibiotics. The use of garlic as a natural healing remedy dates back 7000 years or more. Its natural antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties have been used to treat gangrene, respiratory diseases, kill off harmful bacteria and pathogens in the gut. Adding garlic to mouthwash can drastically reduce bacteria. Garlic has healing properties because it has allicin. It lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), prevents cognitive disorders (like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease). It contains sulfur which is good for phase two liver detoxification (which eliminates chemicals from harmful pharmaceutical drugs).

Note: The health benefits of garlic far outweigh the garlic breath that one may have.

Oil of Oregano    

This has antifungal and antiviral properties and it treats a wide variety of infections from intestinal parasites and candida to warts and common colds. It has anti-inflammatory properties that fight arthritis and stiff joints. Taken as a daily supplement it helps kill off odor-causing and acne-causing bacteria. It can be taken as capsules or as a liquid tincture diluted in water. As an herb, it can be used in cooking.

Note: Always read labels that address whether it is edible and how it is to be used.

Coconut Oil         

This has lauric acid, a natural antibiotic for candida, yeast infection, coughs, inflammation, and warts. It helps prevent harmful pathogens from entering the digestive system It can be used for cooking, smoothies, and desserts.

Grapefruit Seed  

This has antibiotic properties, antioxidant-polyphenols, treats bacterial infections in the GI tract, treats candida, parasites, salmonella, and staphylococcus. It prevents bacteria from growing on fish, poultry, and fresh produce. It protects against harmful UV rays, joint inflammation improves circulation, and promotes cellular detoxification.

Note:  It works negatively against some RX drugs. So, check with your physician before using it, if you are on some type of medication.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This has acetic acid which has natural antibacterial qualities. It is a remedy for dandruff, high blood sugar, constipation, and reduces inflammation associated with gout and arthritis.

Golden Seal

This has antibacterial properties effective for clearing up yeast infections, candida, colds, flu, urinary tract infections, and staph infections. It also improves digestive function.


This is most effective when taken at the first sign of sickness (of a cold). It also is used based on its antibacterial properties, for yeast infections, ear infections, athlete’s foot, sinus infections, and hay fever.


This has similar properties as garlic since onion is garlic’s close cousin.


There are alternatives to maintaining wellness if you are willing to do some research and discover what God has created that will help you maintain a healthy body without causing the side effects that pharmaceutical drugs can cause. This article does not claim that the above natural antibiotics will heal different ailments, illnesses, or disorders, but they do have the capability to help ease pain, inflammation, and reduce infection. They also can help retard the onset of certain illnesses and disorders and they can slow down the progress of illnesses once they are discovered.

Bottom line, you need to be proactive in your wellness and not depend on medical practitioners 100% of the time, especially if they are not willing to consider all alternatives that can solve your issue, and rather would just rely on their own specific discipline. You should search for someone who is willing to find the root cause of your problem and not just be willing to treat the symptoms. You have the right to object to someone who is just satisfied with putting a band-aid on a boil.

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