poor children

In his ministry, Jesus always had compassion for the poor, needy, and depraved. In fact, the Bible tells us that Jesus performed so many miracles and wondrous works that if they were to be written down, there would not be enough books in the world to contain them. We as Christians are to honor Jesus not only as our Lord, Master, and Savior, but also our role model, because he perfectly pleased the father in thought, purpose, and action.

He would say things like inasmuch as ye hath done it unto one of the least of these my brethren; ye have done it unto me. [Matthew 25:40] So, as the saying goes, be compassionate to those who are struggling and without, because Jesus might be in the breadline.

With that thought in mind, My oldest daughter and I volunteered to be workers for Habitat for Humanity in Denver in 1995. During that time, which was about 2 months, I connected with some Japanese students working on the project. Noticing the connection the Project Manager asked me if I would supervise those students, And I happily accepted.

I remember how courteous and gracious they were. Just prior to their departure, I took them a gallon of ice cream to a farewell outing they had in the mountains. I also gave them a few sketches I had done when visiting Red Rocks. In one picture I sketched I envisioned the rock having the shape of a turtle. And the other picture looked like it had the shape of an eagle. I was so excited that my artwork was being transported to another country. Loving all God’s people proved to be quite an emotional experience for me.


Always do what you can to edify, encourage, and inspire God’s children-all of them, not just the saints in your church. The world is hurting and many people are looking for hope. We as Christians should be giving them that hope. It’s all in God’s plan as written in Jeremiah 29:11. I know the thoughts and plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, never to harm you, and give you a hope and a future. Keep that verse in your heart of hearts. The world always needs more help. The Bible says the harvest in plenty but the laborers are few. Are you willing to lighten the burden on God’s children?

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