medical equipment stethoscope

Wellness for Life is a unique company. It is a group of individuals dedicated to helping their members connect with healthcare providers, medical suppliers, and pain management specialists to find products and services designed to help improve their quality of life. They understand the challenges their members face when living with chronic conditions, and they help empower them so they will regain control over their lives.

The CEO and founder Lyn Weaver is a high-powered executive that has dedicated her life to excellence. She has some impressive credentials. Her titles include Director of Business Development of USI Commercial, President of Sales and Marketing of MCW Communications, and Senior Business Accounting Executive of Charter Communications. And she has a host of skill sets to numerous to list but can be found on the Wellness for Life -Love the Life you Live at https://lovethelifeyoulive.info. Lyn Weaver may be reached at via her email address and phone here.

I was so impressed with this company that I wrote Ms. Weaver a commendation letter which is below. My expectations were exceeded and I highly recommend them. If you ever use their services, tell them you were recommended by Ken Overby.


            This award is presented to Lyn Weaver Owner, Founder, and CEO of Wellness for Life a company that enables people to purchase Durable Medical Equipment (D.M.E.) and other necessary products that will improve their quality of life. Her work ethic, professionalism, and high inner work standards have earned her the respect and trust of all her associates, clients, and the public, and she is considered to be their “Partner of Choice.”  

          This award is presented only to those individuals who bring their “A” game each and every day. They take their work very seriously and see the value of making investments in those with whom they interface. They have a deeper understanding of peoples’ needs and do not hesitate to acknowledge and address those needs. Unlike many others, they are transparent and allow people with whom they interface to see their soul by always telling them the truth. They operate off skillful and godly wisdom and realize that they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free. They will not deal with untruths and will always operate in the light. This is the kind of person Lyn is-one of impeccable character. She has superior interpersonal communication skills and listening skills. And by her actions and edifying words, it is very apparent that God is in her and is constantly working through her. As she grows in grace she has produced the Fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22, 23 which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When one embraces such qualities there is no one who can bring a valid charge against them.

           There was a famous poet that said,” People may not remember what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.” Well, in my opinion, Lyn made feel very good. She demonstrated that she has discovered one of the keys to success which is to marry professionalism with grace.  She also has shown that “excellence” resides in her DNA. So, because of her vision, passion for her work and people, and for breaking the glass ceiling for all women, it is my pleasure and my honor to present her with the Kenneth E. Overby Community Service Award” for 2020..

Kenneth E. Overby


It’s always good to know a one stop company that embraces all the services that you need.

To learn more about this company, visit the Wellness for Life website here.