senior couple

Do you enjoy a good laugh? I mean the one that actually makes your stomach muscles hurt. Have you noticed what a relief it is when you’ve stopped laughing? Well, I just viewed an article written by Tony Horton a renowned physical trainer where he said there were many benefits you get from laughing. He states that recent studies suggest you should be laughing loud and often because it turns out …

Laughter is a superb health booster.

A good hearty laugh acts like exercise.

It gets you breathing deeper, and gives your muscle a workout—which relieves physical tension.

It affects your hormones—decreasing some, like cortisol, the stress hormone.

And releasing others, including endorphins, your body’s “feel-good” hormones. That’s why the simple act of laughing creates a boatload of positive effects for your physical, mental, and emotional health.

As crazy as it sounds, the latest scientific studies found laughing can help:

Reduce Blood Pressure

Boost your immune system

Support heart health

Burn calories

Lower your stress levels

Reduce anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions.

Promote sharper thinking

And it can even improve your relationships

Amazing, right? You can get all these benefits just by enjoying a good laugh.


Laughing has many positive benefits. When did you last have a memorable side-splitting laugh? How did it make you feel? If you feel led, please comment below.